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  • Date of Birth? 62
  • Sexual Status: gay single man

Last Status: I like sex.

City: Columbus , Ohio

Bio: I'm a mature, passionate and sensual man. I like contact with mouth, tongue, hands, fingers so enjoy cuddling, rubbing, kissing, holding, showers together. I don't really enjoy myself unless I know the other person is having a good time, too. Friends say I'm in really good shape for my age (whatever that means lol) but I'm not satisfied and work out 5-6 times a week when time permits. I try to eat healthy but have a weakness for piza, popcorn, and chips with a penchant for hot, white chocolate mocha's. Beer is OK but I've been developing a taste for wine lately and like to chill out over a glass or two. I work a very demanding job taking care of about 80 employees. It seems like someone always needs something, so in my free time I often like to chill out in situaitons where not much is expected or demanded of me. I like to sit back and observe people, especially when they don't know they are being watched so they aren't putting on an act for the benefit of others. I'm not a big talker and enjoy periods of silence but I also enjoy getting to know people and hearing them talk about their lives, their hopes, their dreams. I'm tired of politics, so don't expect me to want to debate those. In my free time, I like to read, mostly fiction but some light autobiographies or to a lesser extent watch some TV shows or movies. I'm not much good with cross word puzzles but have taken a liking to Sudoko puzzles -- I've found they can be addictive.

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