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  • Date of Birth? 58
  • Sexual Status: gay single man

Last Status: Older, great guy looking for more

City: Atlanta , Georgia

Bio: Older, but not fossilized guy with a sense of humor, intelligent, charming, thoughtful, kind, considerate, witty, relatively sane, responsible, secure, funny, knowledgeable, interesting, empathetic; guy who appreciates some or all of these qualities in other men. Am not interested in pretense or self-centered people whose every waking thought is only concerned with themselves. The lessons of life teach that you gain far more from what you give than from what you expect and demand of others. Would appreciate an opportunity to meet genuine, nice, caring guys who can carry-on a conversation, have opinions that are thoughtful and complex, are attractive (I know that is very subjective and I find all types of men handsome), and can appreciate the values and qualities of strong character, intelligence, and a genuinely nice and kind man. Doesn't it make your day to meet a great guy who is not only bright and intelligent, but where an instant chemistry is evident and undeniable. Serious, but funny, honest, and reliable, all the virtues of a scout, but without the merit badges to prove it. Am 6'4", 240, no facial hair, but hairy (sometimes, even in the right places). Won't be mistaken for a porn star in a line up (no further explanations needed [I hope], comments, or derisive remarks, please), but can appreciate whatever assets, desires, aspects and enthusiasm that every man brings to the bedroom. Am very experienced with a warm, wet, tongue and a gentle, but stimulating touch. Very oral, very tactile guy who believes in fulfilling the other guy's needs (it isn't all about me) and in making the journey as sensual, as exhilarating as possible.

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