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Learn About Desertshore Request Friendship Status »
  • Date of Birth? 23
  • Sexual Status: gay single man

Last Status: I'm an interesting person stuck in a boring life. This year I hope to become unstuck. Oh yeah, and I'd love to hear from you.

City: Geelong , Victoria

Bio: I'm strange, but never in an overtly creepy way. I tend to fall on the pessimistic side of realistic, but I don't take myself too seriously. You could say that I'm creative - my main talents are music and written language - but ask me to paint a portrait and you'll end up with a bloated stick-figure at best. Upon graduation, I was dubbed by my class, 'the crazy extrovert'. I'm sure some acquaintances would say that could not be further from the truth. I tend to be perceived in the wrong light as I'm not too good at leaving desirable first impressions. I'm probably not helping my cause right now, am I?

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